Saturday, October 23, 2010

Eating Out in Stillwater

One of the frustrations of trying to be vegan in semi-rural Oklahoma is the lack of variety when we want to eat out. Cooking our own meals allows for some diversity, but it's difficult for two grad students with wildly different schedules to cook every meal. We far too easily revert to PB&J sandwiches and bags of potato chips. Thankfully, though, we have Chipotle and their vegan, locally sourced burrito. It's great for two or three meals a week. Any more than that and it becomes a bit tiresome.

Our other favorite standby is the Thai Cafe (sorry, no website). Em can't stay away from the pad see ew, and I'm a fan of their tofu and basil fried rice. Generous portions, funny waitstaff, and the food is always spot on.

Rumor has it that a new restaurant is soon to open that will cater to vegetarians and vegans. Hope it's true. We could use a few more options!